Thursday, December 8, 2011

Java Book by e balagurusamy 3e

Note:Click on the image of the book to open the download Page.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

File and Directory Permissions in Linux

Permissions in Linux File System:

PermissionApplied to a Directory Applied to Any Other Type of File
read (r) Grants the capability to read the contents of the directory or subdirectories. Grants the capability to view the file.
write (w) Grants the capability to create, modify, or remove files or subdirectories. Grants write permissions, allowing an authorized entity to modify the file, such as by adding text to a text file, or deleting the file.
execute (x) Grants the capability to enter the directory. Allows the user to “run” the program.
- No permission. No permission.

Now if we give ls –l we can see the following output:
$ ls -l /home/ravi
-rwxr-xr-- 1 ravi users 1024 Nov 2 00:10 myfile
drwxr-xr--- 1 ravi users 1024 Nov 2 00:10 mydir

The permissions for each are the second through the tenth characters from the left (remember the first character identifies the file type). The permissions are broken into groups of threes, and each position in the group denotes a specific permission, in this order: read, write, execute. The first three characters (2–4) represent the permissions for the file’s owner (ravi in this example). The second group of three characters
(5–7) consists of the permissions for the group to which the file belongs (users in the example output). The last group of three characters (8–10) represents the permissions for everyone else (“others” in Unix parlance).
The following table elaborates on the permissions shown for myfile in the example ls -l output:

Characters Apply to Definition
rwx (characters2–4) The owner (known as user in Unix) of the file. The owner of the file (ravi) has read (or view), write, and execute permission to the file.
r-x (characters 5-7) The group to which the file belongs, The users in the owning group (users) can read the file and execute the file if it has executable components commands, and so forth). The group does not have write permission—notice that the
- character fills the space of a denied permission.
r-- (characters 8–10) Everyone else (others) Anyone else with a valid login to the
system can only read the file—write
and execute permissions are denied (--).

Using chmod in Symbolic Mode:

The first set of file permissions (characters 2–4 from the ls -l command) is represented with the u, for user; the second set (characters 5–7) is by g, for group; and the last set (characters 8–10) is represented by an o, for everyone else (other). You can also use the -a option to grant or remove permissions from all three groups at once.
The example file, testfile, has original permissions of rwxrwxr- -.
operator Meaning Example Result
+ Adds the designated permission(s) to a file. chmod o+wx testfile Adds write and execute permissions for others or directory. (permission character set 9–10) on testfile.
- Removes the designated permission(s) from a file or directory. chmod u-x testfile Removes the file owner’s capability to execute testfile (u = user or owner).
= Sets the designated permission(s) chmod g=r-x Sets permissions for the testfile group to read and execute on testfile (no write).

Here’s how you could combine these commands on a single line:
$ chmod o+wx,u-x,g=r-x testfile

Using chmod with Absolute Permissions

The second way to modify permissions with the chmod command is to use a number to specify each set of permissions for the file. Each permission is assigned a value, as the following table shows, and the total of each set of permissions provides a number for that set.
NumberOctal Permission Representation Permission Reference
0 No permission ---
1 Execute permission ---x
2 Write permission -w-
3 Execute and write permission: 1 (execute) + 2 (write) = 3 -wx
4 Read permission r--
5 Read and execute permission: 4 (read) + 1 (execute) = 5 r-x
6 Read and write permission: 4 (read) + 2 (write) = 6 rw-
7 All permissions: 4 (read) + 2 (write) + 1 (execute) = 7 rwx

Sunday, July 3, 2011

torrent for rar file cracker

For rar file password crack. There are many techniques. One is brute force attack with dictionary.
In this the software has a list of words from 2 lettered word to 4- lettered word and it tries to put every word as password. If you want to crack with this method then u can download any rar file cracker. Jut google "rar file cracker with crack" .

Here is a torrent which provides 9-10 software for rar and zip file cracker. I have not tried them but i guess they will work :
just click on download torrent. But for this download the utorrent software first. Google "download utorrent" and link for download will be available for free.

Torrent - downloading software from internet..........

One of the most common work on internet is downloading software's. But generally good software are large in size, so it needs longer time and that also continuous.
A solution to that problem, is torrent. A torrent is a technology with which we can download large files(even a complete movie) with it without the need downloading completely in 1 session.

You can download the torrent software, it is very small and free of cost and then download the torrent file of the software you want to download. Then just open the torrent file with that torrent software and it will start downloading in parts whenever you will get online.

Note: There are many websites which provide free torrent of movies and software's. In fact you can also share software and files with torrent. Just Click on make torrent and elect files. It will give you a torrent file for your files. Just share that torrent file and the files will be automatically uploaded to the person whom you will provide the torrent of your file. But for this you also need tracker and seeders. Trackers are provided by websites for free, you just need to search. Seeder are those people who have downloaded your files and can now stay online so that others can also download.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Some Linux books for students

Here are some more books for you all:

UNIX Network Programming.rar

Have a nice day.
And if you need any other book just comment here.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How to change icon of a file

You might have sometime changed the icon of a folder in win XP but have u tried to change the icon of a file , say text file?
Here's a way: